Face Rejuvenation

Focus Treatment-

Treating Melasma just got easier thanks to the folks at Cynosure, makers of the
revolutionary PicoSure laser. Melasma, also called the mask of pregnancy, is diffuse, prominent
facial pigment caused by overproduction of melanin in response to hormonal changes. Although it
can sometimes spontaneously resolve on its own, most Melasma occurs over a period of years and
requires stringent regimens to manage. To remove unwanted pigment, the PicoSure Focus Lens
Array, which consists of >100 super-powerful micro-beams, uses a 755nm wavelength & picosecond
pulse width that travels deep into the skin to shatter melanin in the dermis & epidermis. A
secondary benefit of the PicoSure’s unique picosecond pulse is “cell-signaling” that produces
significant rejuvenation of the treatment area resulting in tighter, brighter skin with an improvement
in texture and tone. All that with absolutely NO downtime; the kind that is seen with ablative Fraxel
and CO2 lasers. PicoSure doesn’t ‘burn’ the pigment, it shatters it!

The treatment is generally 15 minutes in length and virtually painless when numbing cream is used
prior to application. The pigment may appear initially darker and then fades over the next 2
weeks. I generally recommend an initial series of 3 treatments for Melasma and 2 treatments for
those with unwanted pigment. Best of all, the Focus Lens Array can be used on virtually any part of
the body, with the most common being the face, neck, chest & hands.

Freckles, Melasma, Sun Damage, Lines & Wrinkles? Inside your cells is newer skin just waiting to get
out. Focus Lens treatments with the PicoSure laser activate your body’s natural skin cell processes
for healthy, more youthful looking skin. Only Focus treatments lighten unwanted pigment AND
uniquely stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin—keys to younger-looking skin—
without the pain or downtime of other laser treatments.
Skin Cell Activation initiates dermal remodeling, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars
High and low intensity energy lightens unwanted pigment such as freckles and age spots

Convenient 10–15 minute treatments

A few hours of mild redness vs. 2–6 days of downtime with other laser procedures
If you’ve got unwanted pigment that you would like to have professionally removed with PicoSure’s Focus Lens Array, please contact us.

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